Mapping About The Family Blue Economy: Analysis By Bibliometrics


  • Ach. Zuhri University of Bahaudin Mudhary Madura
  • Rachmad Hidayat University of Trunojoyo Madura


The family blue economy refers to sustainable and environmentally friendly economic activities carried out by families living in coastal areas. The aim of this research is to identify research trends and main findings regarding the family blue economy. By using a scientific database from Google Schoolar with the keyword coastal family blue economy from 2010 – 2024. The research results show that many researchers have conducted research related to the topic of family blue economy, but the articles they have written are still relatively few. On average, one article consists of 3 to 4 researchers. Collaboration between researchers is increasing from year to year and shows a positive trend, meaning that researchers are increasingly interested in researching the topic of the family blue economy. Meanwhile, for density, the best and most extensive level of research depth among all authors is Wheeler. It is necessary to carry out deeper and more comprehensive studies on the family blue economy so that various aspects of the solutions offered are found based on the results of the researchers' research.



How to Cite

Ach. Zuhri, & Hidayat, R. . (2024). Mapping About The Family Blue Economy: Analysis By Bibliometrics. BISSTECH Bali International Seminar on Science and Technology, 1(1). Retrieved from